Apparently what lube you use can increase the likely hood of a STI being transmitted, but of course this if either of you have a STI to begin with. Also sometimes wondered how they would test if something helps prevent the transmitting of STIs or STDs without of course having a bunch of people just use them and keeping track of the results. Always had this horrible image get in my head of them taking a group of people with the disease and a group that didn't and randomly pairing them up and then keeping track of who gets something and who doesn't. Which would sorta be a horrible way to test something.
"This study was done on cells in a lab. It doesn't prove that the same thing happens in the human body, but it does mean it's possible. Combined with the results of the study that found an increased risk of STIs with lube usage, it starts to appear that what kind of lube you use really matters."
So Anyway what the study found was that certain common kinds of lube, Astroglide
The good ones where PRÉ
To find out more about this study, please visit Sugar's blog post on it.