Anyways I discovered there is a video and a audio tag now, but unfortunately neither works in Internet Explore and only certain types of audio / video are supported depending on your browser. I don't like Internet Explorer anyways so, its fine with me really. Below is a video that will work in Google Chrome and Safari.
Safari will allow you to watch it in full screen, while Google Chrome will simply allow you to play it. Don't watch the video far if your not ok with watching something Atheist related, it was just the first online video I was able to find a m4v file to include. If anyone knows any sites that can get the link to the mp4 etc from video sites, let me know please.
Here is a audio from Masocast episode 36, this will only work in Google Chrome and Safari again, Firefox only supports ogg format.
Hopefully this will become a more standard way of putting video into webpages without using flash. You can try watching YouTube videos by the way I found out today using HTML 5 by going to YouTube HTML5 opt-in.
If you can't see either the video are the audio on this post, then you just have to trust me that they are there. Or are you going to be one of those the cake is a lie people?