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Every now and then at work I overhear some things that just floor me. Not to long ago I over heard W talking with J, two people I was working with in Meats that day talking and heard mention about the KKK. Not really sure what, or how the conversation got started, but overheard W saying that "they should bring them back," referring to the KKK.
Aside from the obvious stupidity of the remark in that the KKK are still around, was the fact that I assumed she thought favorably about a racist, ignorant, white supremacy group. Had to bite my tongue cause wanted so badly to say something about that.
I have very little love for people who are ignorant, and bigoted. Almost wanted to ask here, "so your ok with slavery then? think people should be allowed to hang up other people cause of the color of their skin? or just cause they aren't white christians?"
Use to fight with my mom's old boyfriend R now and then cause of racist comments he would make now and then, mostly when he would watch his favorite sport, boxing. Would hear him holler loudly, "get 'em get 'em, get that nigger!" and would drive me insane. When would confront him about it, "I'm not racist, my ___ is black." Just cause you know someone who is another race, and can tolerate being around them long enough for family functions of what have you, does not make you not a racist. Thing that would bother me most, is it was clearly bothering me the way he would behave, and my mom would not say anything.
Another time at work I overheard one of my female co-workers, not one I work around, talking to another, and saying something about how she was glad her daughter was seeming to get out of the gay phase. Again was another time I just wanted to say something, but rather then have problems at work, I didn't say, "really, I wasn't aware that gay was a phase someone went through, I could have sworn there where people who thats who they are their entire life."
By the way, I just had to toss in the, even the KKK thinks the Westboro Baptist Chruch are crazy image that I found posted on Pharyngula some time ago, along with this post. And yes if you didn't know, the Westboro Baptist Chruch's website is