
Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 26:  Robin Tyler (L) and...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
It is with great pleasure, that in recent news I heard in the previous days, that I can say that the idiocy of Prop 8 has been overturned, well at least for now, until it reaches the US Supreme court, we have yet to see how it will ultimately hold out, but at the very least it is a step in the right direction.   Was wondering if this really horrible decision that was passed a ways back was going to stand.  While I have no personal reason to be opposed to the idiocy that allows the ban on gay marriage to happen in California, I'm neither gay, or a resident of California I am very much against ignorance.

Feel obligated since I watched it again to share, one mans words about the ban, that I just could not have said better myself if I had tried.

We have now come from this moment, some time back to a point where, while it may not have an immediate effect on gays and lesbians can marry in California again.  Perhaps the decision will at least help move us forward towards a world where people are treated as truly equals.

In a landmark decision today, a federal judge ruled that Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that excluded same-sex couples from marriage in the state, violates the United States Constitution. The American Civil Liberties Union, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Lambda Legal filed two friend-of-the-court briefs in the case supporting the argument that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. -ACLU page on Perry v. Schwartzenegger

I always found it strange how some people react to gay marriage, as if two guys being married has any impact on them.  I never hear anyone going to their strait friends, Oh how could you do that, why would you two get married? do you have any idea how your marriage is going to impact my life?  Two strait people being married next to me isn't going to have any impact on me, so why would two men, two women, etc going to effect me? Other then maybe feel a little more bad if I'm having fantasies about a woman in a marriage.

And just to toss in another related video, cause I love the daily show.

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Web Design Giving me a Headache

Been messing around a bit with some web design things, trying to figure out a way to make have a clip of a article on a page, that will zoom out so you can read the whole thing without really leaving the page.  But its not really working.  Think should just go with something more basic anyways cause would have to have it work a bit differently in Internet Explorer anyways.

Above is a screenshot of the way the page I've been messing with currently looks in Google Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

A Poem for our Five Month Anniversary

Sitting looking out at the clear evening sky,
My mind wonders with thought of you,
What have you thought about me today,
Am I on your mind as much as your on mine?
Our fifth month is approaching since you made me yours,
My life just has not been the same since that day.
I feel unworthy  though I know you would tell me I was,
You have completed me in ways that I am sure I have yet to fathom.
Where will you have taking me in one years time?
All I know is this journey we have set out on,
To a place filled with love so unfathomable to me,
That I scarcely dared to dream it possible.
One day I shall no longer yearn for your touch,
Without it being filled,
Or simply yearning for the sound of your voice,
I can not wait for the morning I wake up and you are there,
And I realize that this all was not just a dream.


Ignorance at Work

Image found from Pharyngula

Every now and then at work I overhear some things that just floor me. Not to long ago I over heard W talking with J, two people I was working with in Meats that day talking and heard mention about the KKK. Not really sure what, or how the conversation got started, but overheard W saying that "they should bring them back," referring to the KKK.

Aside from the obvious stupidity of the remark in that the KKK are still around, was the fact that I assumed she thought favorably about a racist, ignorant, white supremacy group. Had to bite my tongue cause wanted so badly to say something about that.

I have very little love for people who are ignorant, and bigoted. Almost wanted to ask here, "so your ok with slavery then? think people should be allowed to hang up other people cause of the color of their skin? or just cause they aren't white christians?"

Use to fight with my mom's old boyfriend R now and then cause of racist comments he would make now and then, mostly when he would watch his favorite sport, boxing.  Would hear him holler loudly, "get 'em get 'em, get that nigger!" and would drive me insane.  When would confront him about it, "I'm not racist, my ___ is black."  Just cause you know someone who is another race, and can tolerate being around them long enough for family functions of what have you, does not make you not a racist.  Thing that would bother me most, is it was clearly bothering me the way he would behave, and my mom would not say anything.

Another time at work I overheard one of my female co-workers, not one I work around, talking to another, and saying something about how she was glad her daughter was seeming to get out of the gay phase.  Again was another time I just wanted to say something, but rather then have problems at work, I didn't say, "really, I wasn't aware that gay was a phase someone went through, I could have sworn there where people who thats who they are their entire life."

By the way, I just had to toss in the, even the KKK thinks the Westboro Baptist Chruch are crazy image that I found posted on Pharyngula some time ago, along with this post.  And yes if you didn't know, the Westboro Baptist Chruch's website is GodHatesFags.com...