Feel obligated since I watched it again to share, one mans words about the ban, that I just could not have said better myself if I had tried.
We have now come from this moment, some time back to a point where, while it may not have an immediate effect on gays and lesbians can marry in California again. Perhaps the decision will at least help move us forward towards a world where people are treated as truly equals.
In a landmark decision today, a federal judge ruled that Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that excluded same-sex couples from marriage in the state, violates the United States Constitution. The American Civil Liberties Union, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Lambda Legal filed two friend-of-the-court briefs in the case supporting the argument that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.-ACLU page on Perry v. Schwartzenegger
I always found it strange how some people react to gay marriage, as if two guys being married has any impact on them. I never hear anyone going to their strait friends,
Oh how could you do that, why would you two get married? do you have any idea how your marriage is going to impact my life?Two strait people being married next to me isn't going to have any impact on me, so why would two men, two women, etc going to effect me? Other then maybe feel a little more bad if I'm having fantasies about a woman in a marriage.
And just to toss in another related video, cause I love the daily show.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Californigaytion | ||||