
A Poem for our Five Month Anniversary

Sitting looking out at the clear evening sky,
My mind wonders with thought of you,
What have you thought about me today,
Am I on your mind as much as your on mine?
Our fifth month is approaching since you made me yours,
My life just has not been the same since that day.
I feel unworthy  though I know you would tell me I was,
You have completed me in ways that I am sure I have yet to fathom.
Where will you have taking me in one years time?
All I know is this journey we have set out on,
To a place filled with love so unfathomable to me,
That I scarcely dared to dream it possible.
One day I shall no longer yearn for your touch,
Without it being filled,
Or simply yearning for the sound of your voice,
I can not wait for the morning I wake up and you are there,
And I realize that this all was not just a dream.