Thought today, I would post a review of a e-book I ready last night and finished this morning titled
Domme By Default
. I haven't really been one to read erotica much. I do from time to time, though, honestly in the past its just been to help me get some sorta of extra stimulus when I couldn't watch a porn video.
Part of the reason I got this book though was that it also was on BDSM and had a female dominant as the main character. Over all I enjoyed the book, but I think it could have ultimately have been better. It felt a bit rushed and some points where just not expended upon to much. Such as the talk the friend of the main character gives to her husband on the phone.
I'm going to have to use words like her or him to refer to the characters as I'm sitting here scanning back over the pages of the text to see if anywhere in it that it refers to their names, but I don't believe it did at all. This may have been purposeful to help put you in the story, but feel it leaves a little be to be desired.
That said I felt I needed to write a review of the book as it did give me some points to think about as I was reading it. It also brought up a bit of one thing I think could be hot, but then don't know for not having experienced as of yet, which is to be "fucked" by my Mistress.
It also brought out a bit about the selfish submissive which I think sorcha had brought up to me one night, only in a different way, where we had talked about how its not about what I want. I still find possibly some fault there, but I generally know what she meant I believe.
Some of the good points that I liked was the mention of things that well aren't really new to me, but I felt where some places it did deliver somewhat well where things like a "day collar" and a "play collar." The collar I wear at this very moment, while typing this and have worn for four months now, is what someone could call a day collar, I love my day collar and that it is a reminder for me, even if no one else noticed or cares, but is a reminder to me that I am Cridhe's.
But the idea of a play collar, or at least the more prominent, you can't mistake this for something else collar excites me as well. I think it would be sort of nice to have a nightly ritual or whatever time it is when we are home and not going anywhere a more bold collar may not be as welcome to have a thicker collar with the D-ring for a leash to be put around my neck. Heck when I meet with Cridhe I just want to take this one off and have Her put it back on me just for the sake of having her "collar me" in real life.
"Behind him from the doorway, I watched as he stared at his reflection and ran his fingers over the collar, his smile etched on every inch of his sweet face."
Another point that it brought up that I don't think I've really heard put into words in such a way before was the idea of a "dom drop" or a time where the dominate in the relationship just needs some relax time, time to just be a couple and unwind or perhaps something else. The book does give a bit of a interesting way the husband surprises his wife way of doing this later in the book that I'll leave out for a couple reason.
I did sorta like the conversation between his wife and her friend Tony who helped her when she was struggling at one point, being new to being the dominate, not something I am sure I would have to worry about with Cridhe, but I thought would most likely be useful to others in knowing that you can't very well expect someone to know somethings you haven't taught them. It could be obvious to you, but they might not find it so obvious.
"You know these things," he patiently explained, "but you can't expect him to know something he hasn't been taught."
So anyways think over all I'd recommend reading the book to anyone interested in female dominance or being the one rule by such a female.