I was at first thinking of writing it on CBT, or cock and ball torture for those unfamiliar with the acronym in BDSM. As I was thinking more about what she wanted me to do though, thought well, perhaps should just do it on knife play maybe, as that is something I'd be more afraid to do. I don't like the thought of being cut very much.
Doing a little searching I came across in Wikipedia, that knife play is considered part of edge play and maybe edge play covers enough of the things I wouldn't want to do. Edge Play according to Wikipedia is the following.
In BDSM, edgeplay is a subjective term for types of sexual play that are considered to be pushing on the edge of the traditional safe, sane and consensual creed.In other words edge play is play that if not careful, and even when being careful could cause some harm. I'm not really sure if CBT falls under this, but depending on what is done I suppose it could, such as the photo I saw over at fetlife where a guy had nailed hammered I guess into his scrotum; The link to the comment a friend of mine on the photo isn't showing anymore so can't link to it. Though I suppose that is just as well as I don't want to see it again.
What I don't like about the thought of CBT, is that area is quiet sensitive and I wouldn't want some of the things that I've seen searching for male submission done to me in that area. I could possibly see a ball stretcher, that would be fine I think, but things like stepping on my cock and balls, least with a fair bit of pressure behind it, rather not thanks. Certainly don't want nails puncturing it or anything rather extreme. Maybe could do clamps, but don't know about that. Rather tempted to pick up some clamps to try anyways.
Anyways back to knifes and other cutting instruments, also things like needles and so on. I'm not a fan of the sight of blood, nor am I of being cut, though some of the images of the aftermath of cutting can be kinda interesting to look at. See the photo I included and also this one over at Maybe Maimed but Never Harmed.
It is honestly very striking and I like the way it looks, and also linking to two photo's from Maybe Maimed cause the link came up while searching for some posts and they are of one of my favorite podcast person on kink on tap, Maymay.
Anyways I think part of the reason I don't like the thought of blood drawn, no matter the method, is when I was younger I was having blood drawn at least once a month, though seems like it may have been more often then that. Not sure I remember why I had to have the blood drawn though. But I get a little queasy at the sight of blood.
One of the other types of play that was mentioned under edge play was breath play, which is much as it sounds controlling the breathing of someone. While for the most part I think if someone was trying to actually cut of my air would send me into panic, the thought of Cridhe's hand around my throat applying pressure is somehow very calming. I almost think that is a bit of a contradiction, but I don't know.

Very honest, open and thoughtful
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Cat! I really love reading your blog!
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You always give me great things to think about.
Thank you for sharing.