Guess the easiest place for me to start is with what first, turned me onto the idea of how hot male chastity could be. I was doing some searching, looking for blogs by male submissive writers, something that is apparently rather hard to do. I would come across a large number of sites from a female submissive point of view and skip right past it. Perhaps not the most conductive thing to my search to find myself as a submissive, and perhaps I should try searching again sometime for just general submissive blogs.
Anyways one of the blogs I found at first was by someone who doesn't claim to be submissive and if he is or not, is not really something I feel privy to discuss as I'm not always certain what submission really is. but the blog was titled, "The Edge of Vanilla." was a interesting title and guess what grabbed my attention to click the link and take a look at what it was about. I was glancing over some of the post and found one that I started read I was amazed at how hot I was finding it. I'm not really certain, it could have been this post, "Coming Together: 2" or another. but one thing was sure, I was aroused.
“Mmmm. You know how long it’s going to be this time?”
“However long you decide,” I answered.
She closed her eyes again. “That’s right. You know why?”
“Because I’m in charge,” she said simply.
“I want you to be in charge,” I whispered into her ear. “I want you to let it go as long as you want. Maybe we’ll take this out for a whole year.”
“Oooh… Jesus…”
I lifted myself up higher to watch her face while she came.
She was smiling.
Afterward, I removed the dil… er, her cock, and held her.
“Driving all the way here, I was thinking that I needed to have a talk with you about this,” I told her. “I’ve been hoping that we could change what we’ve been doing, but, wow, I didn’t expect this.”
“How are you feeling about it?” she asked.
“Exhilarated. Like, it’s really exciting, but I’m a little scared, too, at what you might actually do.” I kissed her. “We’re going to need to talk about this later.”
She nodded. “We’ll have plenty of time later,” she said. “Are you horny, yet?”
“I’m not really sure. I’m excited and aroused, but I’m oddly satisfied. Thank you, this was really good for me.”I was surprised I was being aroused by it, but more so by the idea that I might actually want to be in a chastity cage, or just plain denied release. It was hot the idea of giving up control over when and if I came to someone.
What I like about is she gets to decide when I cum, how I cum, and could possibly, where I cum. If she text-ed me and told me she wanted me to cum on my next lunch, I'm pretty sure I would go right to the bathroom and cum for Her, though that would be a bit embarrassing and would have to worry about people ease dropping. I don't want a set sort of schedule for it either, I just want her to decide ok, tonight I am going to take you, fuck you and let you cum, or maybe just fuck me then say..no..no..hold back, you are not allowed tonight.
The combination of typing this and talking to Cridhe right now is a bit much as well, getting hard just thinking about this, and wanting release so bad, but not being giving permission. Is such sweet torment.
At some point I should be getting the CB The Curve chastity device, and I so can't wait to be strapped into it. Should be interesting, though wondering how I will handle Mistress' torment while being caged when I won't even be allowed to get hard..and is almost counterintuitive that I get hard from the idea of being caged where I won't be able to get hard.