
New Living Arangements

So recently, some things happened and my dad and I are being evicted from where we where living.  We or more correctly he was behind on rent amount other bills.  And for the time being I have moved back in with my mother, while I try to find a new place to live.

Its sorta frustrating in that I really didn't plan on having to find my own place, but now is rather forced to.  Staying with my mom is only a temporary solution to the problem.  Though its also very close to the third only person I've ever slept with, and get a sinking feeling in my stomach every time we go by where troutcall lives.

I have Cridhe now, but part of me, still misses seeing troutcall.  Sorta rather avoid seeing her though, as much as it might be nice to talk to her, I don't want to be dredging up longings for something that she didn't want.

Though as of today, it seems like I won't be staying with mom much longer.  A friend of my moms where she worked knew a lady looking to rent out a room.  Its a small place, though even in that small place, the room that I would be moving in would be larger then the one I had living in the trailer where I was living with my dad.