
lionheart's fears

4 piercees at the Death Equinox '99 convention...Image via Wikipedia

Mistress asked me to write down a list of my fears for her.  The list is actually rather short, but here goes.

  1. Heights:  I'm not very big fan of heights, though that has usually never stopped me from climbing trees.  Also think this one of the reasons I don't think I could enjoy suspension play.
  2. Needles: I am defiantly not a very big fan of needle play ideas either, though sometimes some of the photo's of people with needles in them in patterns can be a bit interesting, I don't like needles for a couple reasons.  One they are needles ... and two I don't like the sight of blood if there was any.
  3. Crowded Places: I can't standing being boxed in by a large number of people, I get nervous and not really sure why.  I don't think it has to do with confined spaces per-say but being in a enclosed area with allot of people makes me just want to get out.
  4. The Dark: Well I'm not overly scared of the dark, not being able to see so well at night freaks me out a little bit.
Think that is about it really.  What sorta of things are you my readers afraid of?

1 comment:

  1. I have those same fears. Heights I can handle okay though. I wouldn't call it a fear. But being at the edge of something I can fall off does freak me out a bit.
    But crowded places? Oh dear don't get me started. I wanna freak out and start mowing some people down. I think part of it is, too, that I'm fearful of the "herd mentality" that large groups of people have. I mean, how many people died at that Who concert?
    And I'm not so much afraid of the dark as I am what might be hiding in it. Which s usually werewolves. I know it's silly, but they're real and they're coming to get me. O.O
